1. Jika engkau menemukan cela pada seseorang dan engkau mahu mencacinya, maka cacilah dirimu. Kerana, celamu lebih banyak darinya.

2. Bila engkau hendak memusuhi seseorang, maka musuhilah dahulu perutmu. Kerana, tidak ada musuh yang lebih berbahaya terhadapmu selain perut.

3. Bila engkau hendak memuji seseorang, pujilah ALLAH s.w.t.! Kerana, tiada seorang manusia pun lebih banyak dalam memberi kepadamu dan lebih santun lembut kepadamu selain DIA.

4. Jika engkau ingin meninggalkan sesuatu, maka tinggalkanlah kesenangan dunia. Sebab, andaikata engkau meninggalkannya, bererti engkau terpuji.

5. Bila engkau bersiap-siap untuk sesuatu, maka bersiaplah untuk mati. Kerana, jika engkau tidak bersiap untuk mati, engkau akan menderita, rugi penuh penyesalan.

6. Bilamana engkau ingin menuntut sesuatu, maka tuntutlah Akhirat. Kerana, engkau tak akan memperolehnya kecuali dengan mencarinya.

Saturday 1 December 2012

How Muslims Should Deal With Stress


Sollu 'alan Nabi.

Assalamua'alaikum w.b.t.

Most people will have to deal stress in their life..for me, the major cause of stress is simply because we lack of trust in Allah. Why? Because real Mukmin will never be stressed out. They know that everything comes from Allah and that life is a test. They will accept everything, redha, be patient, and seek the way out with tawakkal, du'a, and solat.

Easier said than done, isn't it..? Well, I believe that each one of us should enhance our faith towards Allah, read and learn the Quran, and follow the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in dealing with any kind of problem, including stress. Rasulullah SAW, when he had a problem, he would perform the solat and seek for Allah's guidance and help with dzikr (you can search for the dzikr that Rasulullah recite when facing problem in Al-Azkar by Imam Nawawi and etc) and du'a. 

Another thing is, we are easily stressed out due to our love for the world, which is anything that is other than Allah. We tend to remember and think about food, clothes, events, chores, and etc more than we think about Allah. That's why our heart is full of negative things and when facing with problem, the heart is so vulnerable that it will lead to stress. We should have strong connection with Allah, for only He who can solve our problem and soothe our soul.

(أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (Quran; 13:28)

So here's a site that tells about how a Muslim should deal with stress and anxiety .

Let's try our best to be calm and have strong faith in Allah, all with His help and guidance. InsyaAllah. 

p/s: istirja', istighfar, wudhuk, say the hauqalah and believe in Allah with all your heart- La haula wala quwwata illa billah, drink green tea, hugging your loved ones, and also the sweet smelling of soothing fragrance like rose or lavender can help to calm you down. Take a deep breathe, return to Allah, and be positive towards life. :)

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