1. Jika engkau menemukan cela pada seseorang dan engkau mahu mencacinya, maka cacilah dirimu. Kerana, celamu lebih banyak darinya.

2. Bila engkau hendak memusuhi seseorang, maka musuhilah dahulu perutmu. Kerana, tidak ada musuh yang lebih berbahaya terhadapmu selain perut.

3. Bila engkau hendak memuji seseorang, pujilah ALLAH s.w.t.! Kerana, tiada seorang manusia pun lebih banyak dalam memberi kepadamu dan lebih santun lembut kepadamu selain DIA.

4. Jika engkau ingin meninggalkan sesuatu, maka tinggalkanlah kesenangan dunia. Sebab, andaikata engkau meninggalkannya, bererti engkau terpuji.

5. Bila engkau bersiap-siap untuk sesuatu, maka bersiaplah untuk mati. Kerana, jika engkau tidak bersiap untuk mati, engkau akan menderita, rugi penuh penyesalan.

6. Bilamana engkau ingin menuntut sesuatu, maka tuntutlah Akhirat. Kerana, engkau tak akan memperolehnya kecuali dengan mencarinya.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Fertility Smoothie


Sollu 'alan Nabi.

Alhamdulillah, I found some sites that tells a lot about fertility. As a woman, I think it's great to share with other women about this nutritious, healthy, and yummy smoothie recipe. Even though some of you may not be married yet, but you can still drink this smoothie as the overall idea of having a fertility smoothie is for general health, and for the future benefit (keeps you healthy and fertile all the way). Insya-Allah.

How To Make A Fertility Smoothie

This recipe is for two. Blend the following ingredients :
  • 1 cup of frozen fruit or better fresh, if in season and organic (mangoes, berries, or peaches)
  • 75ml of liquid beverage (rice milk or almond milk)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of organic vanilla extract to add flavour (optional)
  • 2 scoops (30g) of whole food antioxidant powder coming from 100% berries (goji, acai, pomegranate, mangosteen, cranberry, strawberry, acerola berry, and more) with no added synthetic minerals or vitamins). You can find this at any health food store.
  • 2 scoops (30g) of green coming from a bland of spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass, kelp, deluse and more (with no added synthetic minerals and vitamins)
  • 2 bananas (this makes your fertility smoothie very smooth and gives it a good taste)
  • 1/3 cup of yogurt or kefier (if you like it)
  • 1 table spoon of bee pollen
  • 1 table spoon of honey (best if raw)
  • 2 table spoons of almond or cashew butter.
  • 1tables spoon of flax seed oil or hemp oil (optional). You may not like the flavour so much, but it is great for you, add smaller amounts until you get used to the taste.

You can also add ice cubes and blend them altogether if you like to enjoy your smoothie cold.

So here is my version of fertility smoothie:

  • 1 cup of any frozen fruit (grapes, apples, mangoes, etc)
  • 250 ml of *O'Tigres Black Bean Cane Sugar Free Drink (you can use fresh milk or any healthy liquid/ beverages)
  • 1 table spoon of pomegranate concentrate 
  • 1 table spoon of *wheatgrass (Biogreen Green Balance)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 table spoon of honey
  • 1/4 cup of chopped almond
  • 2 dates 
  • 7 raisins
  • 1 table spoon of *Flax Seed Oil (Omega 211 Nutritional Oil, also contains Evening Primrose Oil and Wheatgerm Oil) 
Blend them all together, and enjoy a delicious and healthy breakfast drink in one glass :)

All the igredients with * are products from Biogreen, available at Jusco outlets.

As this smoothie is very yummy and nutritious, i can't help but to share it with you guys. You can also add any other healthy resources and blend them in to make a wonderful smoothie. 

Alhamdulillah. Also remember that only Allah can give us health and strength, not the smoothie, not the medications, not the doctors, not the healthy supplements, BUT ONLY ALLAH. As humans, we are bound to do the effort according to the Sunnatullah, like eat healthy and exercise to keep our body healthy. But it is our faith that everything comes from Allah. La haula wala quwwata illa billah.

For more info on the smoothie, click here, and here . 

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